Real 1DXm2 vs 1DX high ISO performance comparison
Some time ago DPR added 1DXm2 to their comparison chart. There 1DXm2 high ISO performance looked slightly better than 1DX. The only one strange thing was there that 1DXm2 shots were brighter than 1DX shots. Actually, it was required in LR to move exposure slider about 0.5 stop down for 1DXm2 and raise it about 0.2 stop up for 1DX to make them equal in brightness and the same histogram distributions. Some people were telling that this is OK and this is just due to difference in analog gain setting in different cameras for different ISOs. Therefore, when I got my 1DXm2 few days back I did some tests to check different things including high ISO performance. For 1DXm2 my primary interest was better AF, especially in in dim light conditions and slightly better ISO, which was noticeable in DPR test. My tests were done in dim light conditions using the same EF70-200 F/2.8L IS USM II lens fixed on the heavy and sturdy tripod. Once test done with first camera then it was detached fr